
Friday, September 5, 2008


I used to think I got over my fear of spiders when I became a mom, it was either them or us....until today.

Ammon and Isaiah were out playing on the porch while I was watching through the window, suddenly Ammon freaks out and comes flying in the house screaming that there is giant spider. I casually come out onto the porch to check it out, thinking that there was a relatively large spider in need of being put to death. When I rounded the corner to see the largest spider I have ever seen in my life, dead or alive. I have to say I wasn't even going to attempt to kill that thing. This spider had to be as large as my hand and the creepiest thing with eight legs. Needless to say I left this little spider alone and waited for my big strong husband to rescue us when he got home. Paul decided to hose the thing off into the weeds to live out it's life in peace. Here's to hoping I never run into it again.


Jenni said...

NO WAY! That is the freakiest thing I have ever seen!!! And it was on YOUR HOUSE????? What if it got IN your house?!!!!! I would have made sure it was dead, no living out it's life by my house!

Chris and Deb said...

Oh my gosh, that's disgusting! How did you let Paul talk you into being merciful? I would have anxiety for the rest of my life wondering it would come back!

Good luck...